Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Isn't it amazing when you find answers through asking questions? But of course it leads to more questions...

It's just really cool to me, when you have these questions, and then reading through scripture or even having a conversation with another person...that you find your answer and it just "clicks" in your mind.

I was talking to Billy (a great friend) the other day, and we started talking about various things. Somehow I started to tell him about a story that happened at my old job. There was another employee who asked me to be praying for her son, she said that he had some issues with not having a relationship with God. One was "If He knows what we need even before we ask, why pray?"

It's in those times that I try to find something to say. But nothing came, and I really didn't know how to respond, but told her I would pray.

Then while talking to Billy something similar came to mind. "Why do we ask for God to forgive us of our sins?" ...I remembered hearing that He calls us clean. I believe He calls us the righteous in Christ Jesus. So why ask though?

There is this song by Shane & Shane, "You and I", and in the bridge it says these great lines that shows what Jesus is saying to us and what we are saying back to Him:
"Clean...I am dirty! Clean...So unworthy! You are Clean!...Dirty, so Dirty...Clean...that's what I'm wanting..."

I don't know why but in that moment it clicked. You would have thought I had one the lottery, but yet I had found a nugget in this simple yet profound truth...

The reason why we pray even when He knows our needs before we pray...
The reason why we ask Him to forgive our sins...

Because we are dependant. We are humans, We are frail.

But sometime throughout the day we forget how dependant we are. We see ourselves capable of doing anything. We forget our order in the line up so to speak. We break relationship with our creator and put ourselves before God, we put other "gods" before God. We are told to seek first the kingdom of God...

Though when we come to Him throughout the day in prayer, thanking Him, praising Him, seeking His answer and counsel through prayers...that is when we remember how much of a great God He is! We remember all the great things He has done for He has provided and taken care of us...How He delievered us in times of trouble... and how without Him we are really nothing.

We ask Him to forgive us, even though He calls us clean...for it reminds of when God, sent His only Son (Jesus) to die and save this frail race on this fallen earth. We remember the sacrifice that was made so we might have freedom. We remember the Cross. We see Him as the Savior that He is!

It all just shows us how dependant we are for Him, and how great He is! It brings Him glory.

There is so much questions that still arise even after this simple discovery. Some that seem big, gigantic...and some that might seem insignificant or small...but the good thing is He can handle them all...He is big enough for all my questions!

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