Saturday, October 20, 2007

pics of shaela

Here are a few of the pics. I feel we have taken so many already.

This is one of my favorites. She is just so content sleeping away.
This a view as she is being burped.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

there you are

in the cool morning breeze
and the before the sun rises
and after it falls and sets
there you are

in the traffic waiting at the light
in the few moments of silence
and in the other busy moments as well
there you are

as I tell my wife I love her
and watching as my newborn sleeps through the night
even as my cats run around our house into the early morning
there you are

in the moments
where I can't think
where I don't know what to say
when I fully miss the point that you are trying to make
and when I breathe
and when I sleep
and when I rise
and every moment in between that I blink my eyes
there you are

At no moment have you left my side
looking closely I can see you in it all
looking back telling of your greatness to my kids
I can say, "there you are"

when I feel I don't measure up
anxiety, doubt, worry, and fear show up
when I seem to have fallen too far and fast
when I have made a mockery of your name
there you are

thank you for being there
for being here
in the everyday moments I forget
that you are there

In the beginning...In the end
In the summer...In the winter
In the palace...In the prison
In the island...In the desert
In every moment there and every other in between
there you are

we do not have to look far
to see there you are

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

barbarian's way and new love for books

As of right now I am reading a book that Billy let me borrow. It is called the "Barbarian's Way" by Erwin Mcmanus. This is really a great book. It just energizes you and you feel that you could start a church if you want to. It lights a fire in your heart. It just is a raw look at the call of Christ.

I find myself reading more books too. I usually never would really read a book, unless it was for school (even then...uh not so much...I loved cliff notes...) I am slowly starting to build my library of books. I tend to first go for those small books. You know the ones with the small pages and such. Example would be "the secrets of the vine", the small ones catch my eye. They do not seem so scary. I think "I can read this and I can read this really quick too"...or "maybe it could be read in one bathroom sitting". (Sometimes I even see if the book is available in audio format, to make it a little easier.)

Never the less I will say I have read some books that do have some volume to them. I admit though that I am not a quick reader. So it may take me a little while. I have gotten the occasional response from friends, " Are you still reading that?...or "Was it that good that you wanted to read it again?"

Maybe soon I will have read enough books to actually fill up a shelf on a bookcase.

Monday, October 15, 2007

eat, sleep, cry and poop

Well just to do a quick she is! Our new daughter "Shaela Takoda Kerr". With being in the hospital and forgetting what day it is, and learning her new schedule (so long sleeping in...) this days have gone by so quick.

Laura is doing good. She is just having to take it easy for a little while, b/c she had a c-section. Though we can both truly say that this little girl has stolen our hearts. It just amazes me...everytime I look at her...this is my daughter...this is one of God's greatest blessings!

To think that God lets us take part in His creation process...It really has not sunk in yet. I am a father now and I see some things differently now. How great the Father's love for us! I would give my life for my wife and this new daughter. I love her, and yet she can show no love in return. She can cry and believe you me she can poop with the best of them! (especially when you are changing and she just keeps going in her someone struck gold...texas tea...)

The same is with us and God. God loves us! Even before we knew Him, before we even knew what love was. He gave His only son to die for us so that we might live. Times we cry and yes times we poop...cause we are helpless and we need our Father! Though with all the cries and the dirty diapers, He still loves us! I hope that makes sense...

God bless and thanks to everyone for the calls, the gifts, and the visits. It truly help make this a great time. Thank you again.
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