Sunday, November 18, 2007

thankfulness and taco bell

Have you ever watched "Extreme Home Makeover" before? This team goes out and finds the 'least of these' and the 'down trodden' and builds them a new place to live. You can see and learn so much by just watching this show.

This one in particular that I saw showed this single father raising 5 other kids. They showed the inside of the house, and the kids showed the host their rooms. Their rooms consisted of a worn out pillow and a sheet on the floor...this served as their beds. They had no blankets...

They were asked if they could have one thing, what would they want...

Their answer hit me hard. "I would just like my own bed."

They just want a bed. A place where they can sleep. They don't even have a bed...I mean to be honest, here I am around this holiday season with a newborn...worrying if I have money to buy Christmas gifts for my family. And wanting stuff I don't really even need.

At night when I am tired, I really don't even think twice, I just hop into bed. I have 2 pillows, a sheet, and a blanket. There I am a top a nice mattress. There they are on the floor.

There are so many things that I take for granite. Some people don't even have clean water, people in other countries drink the water that others have bathed and washed their clothes in. There are also some instances where either a person or animal has died and is floating in the water. So many diseases...and I can just turn on the faucet.

Some people don't have enough food to fill their fridge. Some don't have a/c in the summer and heat in the cold. Some don't even have a roof over their head.

Here I am complaining about having to work Monday morning, and there are people who would line up just to have a job. Rob Bell (pastor of Mars Hill Church) said that there are some people that try their best to survive on just $2 dollars. Trying to survive a week on $2 dollars, or even a month...

And to think this all thinking started when I went out when I went to Taco Bell.

There I was ordering some fine Mexican cuisine...the famous chicken quesidilla...and the cool sour cream for dipping. It does not get much better than this.

After I had placed my order the cashier asked a posing question "Would you like to give a dollar to help feed the children?"

We have all been there. Sad to say we all think it over, weighing out the pros and cons. Thinking about if we can really afford to be without that dollar. But there I am ordering food...and all I have to do is give one buck...

why is that such a hard decision?...why do I make that into such a hard decision?

Is the church reaching out to help others? Am I?

I encourage you to check out blood:water (a well building project), world vision (sponsoring children), and there are countless others. Even some around the Augusta area. Sometimes we forget about the ones in our backyards.

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