Wednesday, December 12, 2007

blood:water mission

this is a great cause to get involved with!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

thankfulness and taco bell

Have you ever watched "Extreme Home Makeover" before? This team goes out and finds the 'least of these' and the 'down trodden' and builds them a new place to live. You can see and learn so much by just watching this show.

This one in particular that I saw showed this single father raising 5 other kids. They showed the inside of the house, and the kids showed the host their rooms. Their rooms consisted of a worn out pillow and a sheet on the floor...this served as their beds. They had no blankets...

They were asked if they could have one thing, what would they want...

Their answer hit me hard. "I would just like my own bed."

They just want a bed. A place where they can sleep. They don't even have a bed...I mean to be honest, here I am around this holiday season with a newborn...worrying if I have money to buy Christmas gifts for my family. And wanting stuff I don't really even need.

At night when I am tired, I really don't even think twice, I just hop into bed. I have 2 pillows, a sheet, and a blanket. There I am a top a nice mattress. There they are on the floor.

There are so many things that I take for granite. Some people don't even have clean water, people in other countries drink the water that others have bathed and washed their clothes in. There are also some instances where either a person or animal has died and is floating in the water. So many diseases...and I can just turn on the faucet.

Some people don't have enough food to fill their fridge. Some don't have a/c in the summer and heat in the cold. Some don't even have a roof over their head.

Here I am complaining about having to work Monday morning, and there are people who would line up just to have a job. Rob Bell (pastor of Mars Hill Church) said that there are some people that try their best to survive on just $2 dollars. Trying to survive a week on $2 dollars, or even a month...

And to think this all thinking started when I went out when I went to Taco Bell.

There I was ordering some fine Mexican cuisine...the famous chicken quesidilla...and the cool sour cream for dipping. It does not get much better than this.

After I had placed my order the cashier asked a posing question "Would you like to give a dollar to help feed the children?"

We have all been there. Sad to say we all think it over, weighing out the pros and cons. Thinking about if we can really afford to be without that dollar. But there I am ordering food...and all I have to do is give one buck...

why is that such a hard decision?...why do I make that into such a hard decision?

Is the church reaching out to help others? Am I?

I encourage you to check out blood:water (a well building project), world vision (sponsoring children), and there are countless others. Even some around the Augusta area. Sometimes we forget about the ones in our backyards.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

shaela blog with pics


I have had some people ask me to share some photos. So what I did to make it easier to share is I made a blog especially for our new daughter Shaela's pics.

The adress is

There is some photos already added and will add more as time goes on.

Love ya'll and God bless.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

left a bad taste

When I was 10, I had just returned home from this church summer camp for children, and I had woke up that night screaming because my ear was hurting. I mean it was throbbing. All I could feel was this stinging sensation on the left side of my ear. Come to find out I had gotten what they called "swimmers ear", b/c I logged lots of hours in the camp lake all week.

My Mom thought the best thing to do, was to put some drops of hydrogen peroxide, and maybe that would ease the pain. So she poured it into a glass and left it on the table. Though seeing that I am writhing in pain and screaming, she proceeds to give me some Tylenol as well. And in the midst of doing this she calls up our doctor (in the middle of the night) seeking advice on this situation. So you can see that she is a little distracted at the moment...So while still talking on the phone, she gives me the Tylenol and a glass of liquid to help it go down...and yep you guessed it...she gave me the glass of hydrogen peroxide to drink...I remember saying,"this water tastes funny...", with her saying,"Just drink it and take your medicine."

So after this she begins to look for the hydrogen peroxide to drop down my ears...coming to find out that her son had drank a good bit of it in a glass already...there she is calling the doctor back...ah good times...he said I would be fine (though some may disagree).

That stuff left a bad taste in my mouth...

I tell you that story because I think we as Christians can sometimes knowingly and unknowingly leave bad tastes in peoples mouths. Earlier this week, I saw on the news where this church was protesting at a gay fallen military funeral. They had signs like "God hates gays". The father sued the church and won for emotional and other damages. Come to find out that this "church" even has a website, that lists addresses of funerals for future protests. That upset me. I didn't know what to think. I mean I know sometimes we are wrong for not standing up for our beliefs and values. But is this what God wants?

There was also that incident with the Amish shootings last year. Where a "church" decided to protest because they said that the Amish don't serve the real God. It became so bad that host of a radio show on Fox news made a deal with the church, that if they didn't protest...they could have some radio air time to express their opinions about the issue. Maybe if they took time out of holding the picket signs and used their hands to help serve their fellow men, things would be better. Instead of taking that radio time to belittle others, they could give them words of comfort, hope, and even tell them about Jesus.

I mean aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner? Is it going to get to the point that when someone dies of drinking too much that we stand outside with a sign that says "God doesn't like drinkers!"? (and there goes half the church) When we get right down to it, we could all have signs at our funerals.

For to be honest none of us our perfect. It is only by the grace of God that we can find salvation. I even think about my brother in law, who is not a christian, and even the whole world, who look at this and say, "Where is God in this?...If this is what Christianity is... I don't want anything to do with it." What do you say to that?

We are leaving them not wanting more... We are leaving them with a bad taste in their mouth. The world has hurting people and instead of helping them, we find comfort in telling them what they are doing wrong. Probably because it makes us feel better. People are screaming in pain, like I was...

What are we doing?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

pics of shaela

Here are a few of the pics. I feel we have taken so many already.

This is one of my favorites. She is just so content sleeping away.
This a view as she is being burped.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

there you are

in the cool morning breeze
and the before the sun rises
and after it falls and sets
there you are

in the traffic waiting at the light
in the few moments of silence
and in the other busy moments as well
there you are

as I tell my wife I love her
and watching as my newborn sleeps through the night
even as my cats run around our house into the early morning
there you are

in the moments
where I can't think
where I don't know what to say
when I fully miss the point that you are trying to make
and when I breathe
and when I sleep
and when I rise
and every moment in between that I blink my eyes
there you are

At no moment have you left my side
looking closely I can see you in it all
looking back telling of your greatness to my kids
I can say, "there you are"

when I feel I don't measure up
anxiety, doubt, worry, and fear show up
when I seem to have fallen too far and fast
when I have made a mockery of your name
there you are

thank you for being there
for being here
in the everyday moments I forget
that you are there

In the beginning...In the end
In the summer...In the winter
In the palace...In the prison
In the island...In the desert
In every moment there and every other in between
there you are

we do not have to look far
to see there you are

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

barbarian's way and new love for books

As of right now I am reading a book that Billy let me borrow. It is called the "Barbarian's Way" by Erwin Mcmanus. This is really a great book. It just energizes you and you feel that you could start a church if you want to. It lights a fire in your heart. It just is a raw look at the call of Christ.

I find myself reading more books too. I usually never would really read a book, unless it was for school (even then...uh not so much...I loved cliff notes...) I am slowly starting to build my library of books. I tend to first go for those small books. You know the ones with the small pages and such. Example would be "the secrets of the vine", the small ones catch my eye. They do not seem so scary. I think "I can read this and I can read this really quick too"...or "maybe it could be read in one bathroom sitting". (Sometimes I even see if the book is available in audio format, to make it a little easier.)

Never the less I will say I have read some books that do have some volume to them. I admit though that I am not a quick reader. So it may take me a little while. I have gotten the occasional response from friends, " Are you still reading that?...or "Was it that good that you wanted to read it again?"

Maybe soon I will have read enough books to actually fill up a shelf on a bookcase.

Monday, October 15, 2007

eat, sleep, cry and poop

Well just to do a quick she is! Our new daughter "Shaela Takoda Kerr". With being in the hospital and forgetting what day it is, and learning her new schedule (so long sleeping in...) this days have gone by so quick.

Laura is doing good. She is just having to take it easy for a little while, b/c she had a c-section. Though we can both truly say that this little girl has stolen our hearts. It just amazes me...everytime I look at her...this is my daughter...this is one of God's greatest blessings!

To think that God lets us take part in His creation process...It really has not sunk in yet. I am a father now and I see some things differently now. How great the Father's love for us! I would give my life for my wife and this new daughter. I love her, and yet she can show no love in return. She can cry and believe you me she can poop with the best of them! (especially when you are changing and she just keeps going in her someone struck gold...texas tea...)

The same is with us and God. God loves us! Even before we knew Him, before we even knew what love was. He gave His only son to die for us so that we might live. Times we cry and yes times we poop...cause we are helpless and we need our Father! Though with all the cries and the dirty diapers, He still loves us! I hope that makes sense...

God bless and thanks to everyone for the calls, the gifts, and the visits. It truly help make this a great time. Thank you again.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Isn't it amazing when you find answers through asking questions? But of course it leads to more questions...

It's just really cool to me, when you have these questions, and then reading through scripture or even having a conversation with another person...that you find your answer and it just "clicks" in your mind.

I was talking to Billy (a great friend) the other day, and we started talking about various things. Somehow I started to tell him about a story that happened at my old job. There was another employee who asked me to be praying for her son, she said that he had some issues with not having a relationship with God. One was "If He knows what we need even before we ask, why pray?"

It's in those times that I try to find something to say. But nothing came, and I really didn't know how to respond, but told her I would pray.

Then while talking to Billy something similar came to mind. "Why do we ask for God to forgive us of our sins?" ...I remembered hearing that He calls us clean. I believe He calls us the righteous in Christ Jesus. So why ask though?

There is this song by Shane & Shane, "You and I", and in the bridge it says these great lines that shows what Jesus is saying to us and what we are saying back to Him:
"Clean...I am dirty! Clean...So unworthy! You are Clean!...Dirty, so Dirty...Clean...that's what I'm wanting..."

I don't know why but in that moment it clicked. You would have thought I had one the lottery, but yet I had found a nugget in this simple yet profound truth...

The reason why we pray even when He knows our needs before we pray...
The reason why we ask Him to forgive our sins...

Because we are dependant. We are humans, We are frail.

But sometime throughout the day we forget how dependant we are. We see ourselves capable of doing anything. We forget our order in the line up so to speak. We break relationship with our creator and put ourselves before God, we put other "gods" before God. We are told to seek first the kingdom of God...

Though when we come to Him throughout the day in prayer, thanking Him, praising Him, seeking His answer and counsel through prayers...that is when we remember how much of a great God He is! We remember all the great things He has done for He has provided and taken care of us...How He delievered us in times of trouble... and how without Him we are really nothing.

We ask Him to forgive us, even though He calls us clean...for it reminds of when God, sent His only Son (Jesus) to die and save this frail race on this fallen earth. We remember the sacrifice that was made so we might have freedom. We remember the Cross. We see Him as the Savior that He is!

It all just shows us how dependant we are for Him, and how great He is! It brings Him glory.

There is so much questions that still arise even after this simple discovery. Some that seem big, gigantic...and some that might seem insignificant or small...but the good thing is He can handle them all...He is big enough for all my questions!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

encouraging story

I read this short story a while back and I thought I would share it. I thought it might encourage and lift your spirits.

There once was this famous golfer, who got asked by a famous royal king over seas in Saudi Arabia, to come over and spend some time playing golf together. The golfer agreed and flew over and spent a week with the king.

Once the week had come to a close, it was time for the golfer to fly back home. Though the king wanted to give him something as a thank you gift for coming and spending the week with him.

The king asked, "What is there that I can give you, that would express how grateful I am that you came to visit me?"

The golfer said, "You have been nothing but gracious for letting me spend time with you. You really do not have to give me anything."

The king once again asked, "I mean it. I really want to give you something, asked for anything...up to half my kingdom and I will give it to you."

The golfer saw that the king was not backing down at this time.

So the golfer responded, " Golf clubs. I try to collect rare and unusual golf clubs."

So the king agreed. The golfer got back on his plane for his ride back to the states. On the way home thoughts filled his head about what kind of golf clubs the king of Saudi Arabia might get him.

Maybe a diamond studded putter or even a solid gold driver. The possibilities were endless.

Once the golfer got home, he found himself waiting by the window for his package from the king to come.

Days went by...Weeks went by...

Then at the end of the month a letter adressed to him came in the mail. "Where is my diamond studded putter?", he wondered.

He opened the letter and to his amazement it was a certified deed to the largest golf course in the United States. The king had purchased an expensive and large golf course for him to own!

The lesson...

Kings think differently than we do. They think bigger! And Friends we serve the King of Kings. He can do abundantly more than we can ever think or imagine!

Think big!!!

great expectations

"Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. "
---{Hebrews 4:14-16 /The Message}

I once heard a pastor say that, " we go to a football game and expect to see a touchdown, to see the final minutes of clock to tick away and see some sort of big play. We go to baseball games to see grand slams or homeruns, and even basketball to see final second shots. We tend to go to many things with high expectations of what the final outcome may be....Why should church be any different?"

And why should it? Shouldn't we go to church with great joy and expectency knowing that lives are going to be changed, people set free, and long lost ones come home, and the list just doesn't end. Today we expect more to see people in church asleep in their pews, instead of people facedown before their maker. Church becomes nothing more than just a dull religous experience. It is seen as nothing more than a waste of time on Sunday. The church is seen as out of touch with the world today. Some men don't even make it because of their view of the Church. Everyone has a view. What is yours?

Expect more...believe that God is big. He can do abudantly more than we ever think or imagine.

You know, we should also have high expectations when it comes to our own personal relationships with God (Jesus). He is not out of touch with us, He has walked where we have walked in this life. When we go to God in earnest prayer, we should go believing that He can do something big. Something that blows our mind! I mean that one guy in the old testament in the bible, Elijah prayed that it would not rain for a period of time, and prayed again and the rain came...

"Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops."---{James 5:17-18 / NLT}

Our God is big...we should have big expectations. The bible is filled with ordinary people doing many great things. (A shepherd knocking a giant out. An old man building a large boat to prepare for the earth flood. A group of people knocking down a large city wall by just marching around it and shouting...and once again the list goes on.)

They all had this view of God. That He is big! They believed that He can do anything! He doesn't have to have all of these great materials to complete His work. All He wants is a willing and ready heart. One that has faith in God. One that has great expectations!

So as you walk with Jesus daily...think big...and when you think you are thinking big...think bigger...for our God is a big God!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Today my wife, Laura, reminded me of something that happened a little while back. Before this pregnancy now, we ended up having a miscarriage. We were very thankful that it was in the early stages. Though the first thought of pregnancy got us excited and then to find out that we had a miscarriage did bring a sense of grief to us both.

What amazed us both the most is that this was not as uncommon as we thought. Once we started telling those around us that we had a miscarriage, we found out that we had a lot more in common with them than we thought. After that moment, people came to us telling us that they too had experienced miscarriages, either in their first pregnancy or later down the road.

And in those moments...we connected with others in a way that is unspeakable. It helped to hear that we were not the only one to experience this tragedy. It brought a sense of togetherness, what once was broken with tragedy, was brought together, was restored with these great friends and family.

I am so thankful for everyone who helped us during that time.

This reminds me of a verse in the Bible.

James 5:16 Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

So many of us have gone through tragedies and we tend to isolate ourself. I heard someone say that it is in those moments that you need to surround yourself with others. Once you begin to tell others, you may find that someone may have gone through the same thing, or maybe they haven't but you find healing in getting it out and not holding it in. You may have also messed up and in those times we need to find comfort and healing in life together, don't hold it in.

There is a christian artist, Derek Webb who said, " I would rather have my sin known to the whole world then suffer with the fact of holding it in, and trying not to be found out. I would like to have it put up on a billboard all over town, on newspapers, magazines, and even the evening news...for then I could find freedom in knowing that I no longer have to hide my faults and act like I have it all together."

There comes a time, when we get tired of putting on the act of having it all together. We have to become honest with ourselves and others...and find healing and freedom.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

little things...

Isn't it amazing how the littlest things can change your whole day? How your day could be going one way and then all of the sudden one little thing happens and changes it...

Today my wife suprised me. She came in and had went to the store to get groceries, so I helped her with the bags. Then she said that someone dropped off a gift for the baby. She told me to check it out on the table, and when I opened the bag to my amazement...there they were...2 cds I had been wanting, that came out today. The new Shane & Shane "Pages" album, and the new Caedmon's Call "Overdressed" album. She is so great! I am so happy!

You see I must admit, one of my passions is music (it is a little dark secret of mine...something that I do not like to broadcast to the world). I pretty much like everything involved with it. I worked at a christian bookstore and helped manage the music section for a good while. I liked to see what new albums came out every tuesday...every new realease day was like my christmas! Also answering the frequent customer questions like , "There is this has the words 'love' and 'God' in it...can you help me find it?" My other favorites was when they sung it to me (that was fun to hear).But I loved it...I like trying to figure out a sung someone heard on the radio and telling them where to find it.

If you love adventure and a job that never gets old...try working in retail.

So needless to say I am on cloud nine right now.

Thanks God for the little blessings!

Monday, August 13, 2007

3-D Sonogram

Well there she is ladies and gentlemen! Making her apperance in 3-d. Normal sonograms are done in black in white and are in 2-d. This sonogram shows a little bit more of the baby's features.

It is hard to believe that there is only 2 more months till I get to hold her.

This once again gives me such an awesome view of God's love. I mean here she is. She is not even born yet...and yet I can tell she will probaly have me wrapped around her finger. Even now there is nothing I would not do for her.

This is so amazing! As I talked about in earlier post, about how God formed us in our Mother's womb, how He knit us together...

Just take a second and reflect on how much God loves you! He formed you and created you for a purpose and a reason! You are not an accident!

You are have to do nothing to earn it...nothing to try to keep can't lose His love for strings attached...there is no small print at the bottom telling you when it is valid and when it is it is just love.

So rest in it.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Once and for all...

"Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever."
--{Hebrews 7:26-28}

I remember a while back when I read these verses. It was great reminder that Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross was enough for us. There was no need for Him to do it again.

In the old testament (before Jesus came and died on the cross), the Israelites had just left Egypt and Pharoah. Moses (with God's help) had led the children of Israel out of slavery. The Israelites then began to travel through wilderness and desert to reach the promise land that God had in store for them.

During their journey, God asked that a place be made where His spirit could reside.

When the Israelites traveled the Lord led them by a piller of cloud in the day, and a piller of fire at night. Though when they stopped to set up tent, God asked for a tent like tabernacle to be set up in His honor.

The place was set up with various stages for those who came in, to worship God. The priests of that time though where the only ones who could go into the most sacred place in the tabernacle. The Holy of Holies. This is where God's spirit dwelled in full force. Only the best of the priests could enter.

The priest would enter once a year (could be wrong on how many times) and offer up sacrifices for the attonment of their sins. They would take lamb without blemish and use it as a burnt offering and take care of the camp's sins. The priest would also have a rope with a bell tied to their ankle, as he entered the closed in tent of the Holy of Holies. They would watch the preist enter and then listen for that sound of the bell. And if it came to a point where there was no more ring, they would end up pulling the string...

It was such an awesome, yet scary thing. For like I said this was where God's glory resided during rest stops on the way to the promised land. There was no room for mess up, when it came to being in His prescence. Even Moses was not able to see His glory when he asked to see it, Moses was only allowed to see "where God was" after He passed by...before that God covered Moses' eyes so He would not die.

Then we come to the new testament. Jesus comes down to earth and takes on human skin. He walks among us. He comes and like I said before turns everything upside down. He loves the unloved, touches the untouched. Jesus travels around for three years healing and preaching the good news to all those that would listen.

He then does the unthinkable...Jesus becomes the High Priest. He goes and makes attonment for the sins of man. He becomes the lamb without blemish to take away the sins of the world. He sacrifices himself and dies on the cross. His blood washes away the sins of the world. Those looking for for forgiveness...looking for a fresh new have new hope. Then He sealed the deal by being raised from the dead.

Jesus did it once. For He was blameless and perfect. No more with getting on the cross and dying again and again.The priests in the old testament had to offer a sacrifice again and again...because they were weak, frail, with sin.

If you've come to Christ and have a relationship with Him...know that the power that raised Him from the dead is the same power that now dwells in you.

It is really cool how it all comes back around again. God dwelled in the tent and priests had to offer sacrifices again and again to please Him, and to get rid of the priest's and the camp's sin. Then Jesus comes and sacrifices himself once and only once and this pleases God, and takes away our sin. Then when we accept Christ as our Saviour, His spirit comes and dwells inside us (inside our tents). He is forever pleased with us!

Praise the God who saves!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

cop around the corner

I recently just started reading this book called, "The deity formerly known as God"by Jarrett Stevens. It talks about different views people have of God. How even different things that we experience in life, shape how we view Him.

The first chapter talks about seeing Him as cop who sits around the corner, waiting for us to break the rules. Gives the illustration of how when you are driving along on the highway and you see a cop, how nervous you feel. You could be doing nothing remotely wrong...but because you see him with a radar gun...fear sets in.

You see God as nothing more than a rule ridden, law enforcer. His job is for nothing more than making sure that we obey his commandments.

He longs to be so much more than all of us.

We already have enough against us. Enough to put us away for good.

"Though He offers us grace, offers us forgiveness, stands between us and the full weight and consequences of our destructive habits and choices." ---{Jarrett Stevens author}

"We don't have to freak out and make excuses or make a case for why we're normally really good people. He already knows who we are. He has a rap sheet on us that could codemn us for life, he has every right to do so...but He offers another way. A way for us to come him instead of waiting and wondering when he will lower his final sentencing. It is the way of grace. A way that could take a lifetime to explain but only a moment to receive." ---{Jarrett Stevens author}

"There is no room in love for fear, well formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life --- fear of death, fear of judgment ---is one not yet fully formed in love."

--{1 John 4:18 MSG}

Monday, June 11, 2007

not safe...but worth it!

"I've come to start a fire on this earth—how I wish it were blazing right now! I've come to change everything, turn everything rightside up—how I long for it to be finished! Do you think I came to smooth things over and make everything nice? Not so. I've come to disrupt and confront! From now on, when you find five in a house, it will be— Three against two, and two against three; Father against son, and son against father; Mother against daughter, and daughter against mother; Mother-in-law against bride, and bride against mother-in-law."

---Luke 12:49-53 (the message bible)

For any of you, who have seen the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia" (or read the book), there is this pivotal scene in where the kids first come in contact with Aslan the Lion. Before getting close to Aslan, they asked those around them "Is He safe?"

A question any one might ask before getting close to a beast like a Lion.

And their reply..."No He's not safe...but He's worth it!"

There are some that preach the message, come to Christ and everything works itself out. Everything is great from then on out. That could not be further from the truth. Don't get me wrong the christian relationship is great, it is good, it is beautiful. But those words seem to take on new meanings.

When Jesus came to earth, He did seek to bring unity and peace to that which was broken. But He also did something else...He turned everything upside down.

Those who are last will be first, the weak are strong...He uses the foolish things to confuse the wise...Jesus, the long awaited king was born in a stable, not a kingdom palace...rode a donkey for a parade not a horse and chariot...instead of coming to rule, He came to serve... a king sacrificed his position in heaven to die on a cross for humanity...

He even went and overthrew the tables in the temple to bring it back to His Father's house of prayer.

During that time, people were so deep into traditions and legalism ( maybe today too). Jeus came and shook that all up.

He questioned those in authority (pharisees). He did something never done before. He accused them of being "white washed tombs". Basically saying that they appeared all nice and neat on the outside, but dead on the inside. They were all about living by the Law, and Jesus all about living by grace.

Once you come to Christ, things will become different. Things that you once held so dear, now you are asked to sacrifice. To get rid of. Put the old self to death. You may be ridiculed and people who loved you may turn their backs on you.

And this is the very thing that people have died for over the years. Put their own life on the line for, over seas and even here in our own country.

Just look at Paul. Shipwrecked, imprisioned (too many times to count), health sticken, almost everything imagineable all for the cause of Christ. Stephen stoned in the open square, the list goes on...
But why then do we keep on living this way? Because we know their is something greater at stake. There is a hope and a joy found in Christ.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. "---{ Romans 8:18 nkjv}

If you are looking for a safe religion...keep looking...this is a relationship...and

No He is not safe...but He is worth it, so worth it!

For there is no joy as to that which is found in Him!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

fearfully and wonderfully made

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them."---{psalm 139-13:16}
Wow! This is a first glimpse of me and my wife's child... a little girl to be exact. Sitting in the doctor's office while they were doing the sonogram, it just took a little while to sink in. There it was up on the screen. A human being being formed in its mother's womb. Where we all start from...
I take a look at other pictures, and I can see the spine, the skull, and even the toes and fingers. (they are real tiny!!!) To think...that God was so gracious, and His endless glory made us as humans able to reproduce life. He saw this baby before it was even in the womb. Knit it together, with all it would need to complete His plan. He even had all the days of her life written out, all before she was made.
Before I hold my baby girl in my hands...she was held in the hands of the almighty God. Creator of Heaven and Earth. How gracious He is to allow me and my wife the privelage of having this child.
Don't get me wrong. At times I get nervous. I wonder if I will be able to provide. Then I come back to those verses and then look at that sonogram. He knows what He is doing. He had this all planned in advance. (He even knows what I need before I even ask! )
Can't wait to see what will happen...
To think that is how we all started out at one time...a baby in a womb...knit together by the Lord almighty. He put in you everything you would ever need. Had your days written out. He loves you...He held you first...and when you fall He holds you then, He holds you when you sleep, and one day in heaven... He will hold you in His arms again!
No matter what media tells you, no matter what the world tells you...let it fall on deaf ears. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

cravings and chicken trucks

It all started a few years back. There I am at college in a little place called Franklin Springs, Ga. Not much to do, but go and shop at Commerce. I got into this habit that I would always try and make a stop at Zaxby's, when we got there. And on this day it was no exception, I was in the mood for some chicken. In a way, I guess you could say that I desired empty stomach craved it...

That was until it happened. I was almost at the commerce exit and Zaxby's was just in reach...when from out of no where, I ended up behind a large chicken truck.

Have you ever gotten behind a chicken truck? These things smell (they have this rotten smell that is all their own). I rolled up my windows to avoid the smell as best as I could. There they are feathers flying from the back of the truck, the eyes of the chickens looking back at you (as if to say "do you really want to eat me?"), and the smell that makes you think that you have just passed a city dump.

Oh yeah the craving for Zaxby's was officially gone at the moment. To this day it still is a little hard to eat chicken...

But back to the subject at hand. I craved, desired chicken. It wasn't until I saw it up close. Until I saw my craving, my desire up close, that I saw it for what it really was...a smelly bird that is glaring back at me...did I mention the awful smell?

We all have cravings. We think we need a certain things to be complete. But it's not till we get face to face with it, do we see how valuable it actually is. We all at one time or another desire the things of this world. It is not until we see it in the light that we see if it is good or not.

The bible says , "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

It almost seems like a freebie. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you what ever you want...what ever your heart desires. Though what I've come to find out, is that when you begin to really delight yourself in the Lord...really immerse yourself in His presence...set aside time just for Him and you...His desires become your desires. You desire to see the lost saved. Your heart beats right along side His. Takes joy in His joy. Seeks right in the midst of wrong.

The things we desire seem to be in contrast to God's.

There is an old hymn that sums it up.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ look full in His wonderful face/ and the things of earth will grow strangley dim/ in the light of His glory and grace"

Look at your craving again. Is it still worth it? Look at it in the light of His glory and grace.

Don't get to the point to where you are like me and you're stuck behind a chicken truck.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

live cd and baptisms

First of all let me invite everyone to a live worship cd recording at Stevens Creek Church. It will be on Sunday, May 20th at 7 pm. Come and have an awesome time praising God as the band records a live cd! If you need directions go to

I have to say that I enjoy going to church. It's weird but I can't wait till wed. night and Sunday morning! It just keeps getting better and better each time. You can go and get refreshed and refueled to go into the world!

Tonight we saw many come and get baptized! It was awesome. People coming and through baptism showing their obedience to Christ. The old life being washed away and leaving nothing but a new life. Amazing grace!

It was really cool before the baptism. Those who were getting baptized came and nailed their life's story to the cross, while the band played "Grace like Rain" by Todd Agnew. It was really a great way to celebrate this special time!

I hope ya'll have a great day! God bless!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Jealous Lover

"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God." --{Deutoronomy4:24}

To be honest with you, when used to think of words that describe God, I did not think about "jealousy". For I thought how could God be jealous? God is good. He could never be jealous, because jealousy is wrong. Or so I thought...

That is until I heard about when it is good jealousy. There are times when it is okay to be jealous. Times when it is bad and even harmful. When it came to God, it was a holy anger that burned and was a consuming fire. God's jealousy would be so great that it would be a consuming fire. Think about that everything that He touches was consumed with His holy anger, and His holy jealousy. Have you ever been so jealous? so angry ? that it seems like it consumes you it takes over what you think and do?

It's like a spouse who has just realized that the other is having an affair. One is cheating on the other. One who is giving their all to make things work, has just found out that the other would rather find their love somewhere else. So jealousy consumes the one and takes over all you do. No matter what that spouse does, all they can think about is the other and how they betrayed them. Picturing how they were wronged in their mind and playing it over and over. It consumes their everyday life.

The Israelites came to know God's jealousy first hand. Moses had just led the children of Israel out of Egypt, and all the practices of Egyptians. All the of their evil rituals towards small "gods".

Though even though after all they had seen and experienced, God do for them...the plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea, the manna from heaven...

They still turned to their old ways. Turned to other "gods", other idols. They gave their worship to all those except the one true God.

It is something that still true today. After all we see all God does for us, after it all...we turn our attention to our small "gods", our idols if you will. An idol is anything that you put before God. So what do you make your idol?

When Moses went up to get the ten commandments, God put one that dealt with this subject.

"You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, But showing mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments."---{Exodus 20:5-6}

He tells them to not bow down and serve other gods. To remember the good that God has done for them. How far He has brought them out of slavery. He remembers those who have done good in His name and those who hate Him, and all that He stands for.

Do we remember all that He has done for us? How far He has brought us? and even though we go back to the small gods, He still comes and rescues us. He still loves us.

"The Lord is a jealous God and avenging; the Lord avenges and He is full of wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries and reserves wrath for His enemies." ---{Nahum 1:2}

Sometimes we need a wake up. Yes, God is slow to anger, but He also can act in holy anger. If we let it go on too long, that jealousy becomes a hard lesson. God may use various things to get our attention. Things that shake our foundations and at times bring us to where we have nothing, but the realization that we need God. Let's not wait for it to get that bad, that we need God to do something drastic to get our full attention...

Our God is a jealous God. He wants our love, He wants it more than anything. He wants our worship. (Important note to think about, that...He doesn't "need it"...for He is never is in need...He "wants it")God is a jealous God. "Man's chief end is to glorify God" (Piper) He will be glorified one way or another.

He loves us so much that He could not leave us where we are. He saw where we were going, on our He chose to send His son to die on the cross and save us from our sins. So that way we can be in Heaven with Him.

He wants you. He wants our love. He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants your worship.

So much that it consumes Him...

He is a jealous lover!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

be still

"Be still, and know that I am God.I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth! " =Psalm 46:10 (esv)

The other day, I was able to spend the day with my Mom. We took time to catch up on all sorts of certain subjects. My mom also told me a story about something she saw while she had been out shopping earlier in the day.

She said she saw this mom out shopping with her two sons. One of the sons was in a stroller and the other close to five. The five year old was trying to get the mother's attention, and the mother seemed to be getting a little frustrated at the time and she turned around and said "be quiet!"

About that time the little one started crying and the Mother decided to cut their shopping trip short. She started pushing that stroller fast on her way out the door. The point of this story that got me, is that at that moment the five year old said with a upbeat voice, as they left...

"I love you Mommy!"

Though the mother was too busy to notice and just kept going.

My mom said at that moment, God showed her something, that sometimes life gets so fast...we get so caught up that we don't hear the little things. At times we get so busy that we don't hear God say "I love you", we just keep pushing our way through...

Be on God. Drink of His love, drink deep, drink often.

It seems life is never quiet any more. We seem to fill in the silence with music, talking, computer and anything else... We have come to the point that we can't stand silence.

Are we afraid that if we are quiet, we might hear something we don't want to hear?

we might become vulnerable?

We seem to also busy ourselves. I remember having something that involved church almost each night of the week. Somewhere I thought the more that I take on,the more that I do...The more spiritual I must be. Though I was running myself ragged. For those became empty and meant nothing. For they became fleshly,wordly...instead of doing it for God, I was doing it for self. For some it's church and for others many other various things.

Maybe if we busy ourselves enough we won't have to acknowledge our weaknesses our flaws, that we all have by the way...which shows how much our need for God.

Life doesn't have to be so complicated...Simplify. Cut back on empty rituals...and get back to God.

Everything buys for our attention. What will you allow to have yours? Surrender yourself to God.

Take time to quiet your bible...focus on God and all He has done. Let things that need your attention wait (if truly possible)...let yourself rest and reflect and see what is truly important in life. Be quiet and hear God say

"I love you"

Put your head on His chest. If you are quiet can also hear His heart beating strong for you.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


This sunday afternoon we went to one of the greatest places...Sam's!!!

They have everything there. Everything you could ever want and nothing that you need. When you get there you feel like you want it all though, I mean where else can you get 50 rolls of 2-ply for $3.97!? Don't forget about the free samples!!!

Do we need it?...No but it's there and it looks so good, that we want it, or we think we do...

It's just with in reach.

I could spend all day in there. And spend all my money in there as well. So many ailses, like a never ending labrynth.

Which makes me think...

Here in America. We have everything we could ever want. Think about it. Everything is at our finger tips. We have become a culture that wants more and more. We never really seem to be satisfied.

I also mean that about me. I have a bad habit with music. I like to buy cds. I can never seem to get enough of them. When a new music cd comes out, I can't wait to buy it.

Such much stuff...too much stuff...

Thank goodness that God is everything we need, and He does not always give us what we want (for at times it wouldn't benefit us and bring glory to Him).

We may not always get what we want, But thanks be to God we have everything we need.

In Him, we have joy, we have peace, we have strength, we have favor, we have the power of the living God inside of us.

Why not give to those who do not have everything they need? Sacrifice what you want.

Check out mars hill bible church and see about the opportunity to help those in Africa.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

beyond measure

"But as it is written: What no eye has seen and no ear has heard, and what has never come into a man’s heart, is what God has prepared for those who love Him." =1 Corinthians 2:9

My whole life can really be summed up with the word, "moving". We were always moving. I have 2 older brothers and one younger sister. So there was always a need to have more space.

Right now the Kerr household has moved a total of 5 times (that's not counting my brothers and their families now and me and my wife's future move as well.)

One house I remembered in paticular though that I wanted to share. It was our 3rd house. We had been there at that time for about 13 years. With my oldest brother married and moved out, and now my second brother doing the same it was time to downsize.

So my parents, my sister and I moved into a house that we were renting, during our time of looking for a new house. This house was very interesting...

Where do I start? The ants and bugs coming from everywhere in the house...the bad a/c...Or the constant leaks everywhere in the house. It seemed that during that time that our furniture consisted of plastic trash cans and towels surrounding our carpet. I remember especially, that in our computer room that the leak got so bad, that the roof crumbled down and left the room covered in pink insulation and water.

And we stayed there for 4 months...4 long months!!!

Then something happened. We had come upon a house that literally blew our mind! It was amazing. The guy who had owned it before, had designed it himself and it was only a few years old. It was a two story house, that had all wood floors within. It was truly my Mom's dream come true. It was available and it became ours.

And looking back, that verse became real in my life...

We had never seen anything like this with our eyes, never heard anything like this before, mind has not conceived, or entered into our hearts... all that God has in store for us!!!

I also applied this to life. That rent house, with all it's problems, and all that this world. With all struggles that we go through downhere. It is just a training ground. A transition stage...While we were there we believed this promise and believed something beyond measure was on it's way! (And it was and it is here as well.)

Then there is heaven. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived, or entered into hearts all that heaven will be like. It will been beyond measure!!! no words will be able to express all that we'll experience!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

random thoughts

This is something that has recently been on my mind lately...

There is a verse in the bible, 1 John 1:9, which says,"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

This is a very powerful verse in the Bible. It shows us what a great God we serve.

Though something grabbed my attention on the end of that verse. The word "cleanse" stood out. So I thought about going deeper, and looking up the meaning in the greek. It gave some other word choices, such as "purge" and "purify".

The Dictionary says about "purge"is =to rid, clear, free, rid of impurities, to put to death...
Then "purify" means = free from anything that debases, pollutes,adulterates, or contaminates...

Sometimes I would read this verse and not let it really sink in. I would use it, when I felt I had sinned and needed to be forgiven. Then quote this verse and believe the promise it contains.

Though this forgiving is not all that easy. It is a messy process.


Think of someone trying to clean a wound or cut. They might put something in it, to clean the wound out. It doesn't always feel at times it hurts. That's because the impurities are working their way out, so that way we can be clean.


Or like a addict, who is on the road to recovery. That first few weeks (or could be longer), is hard because their body is craving and hurting for that drug of choice. It hurts to cleanse the body of those impurities, and bringing it back how it was made to be.

It hard whenever that purge, cleanse or whatever you want to call it takes place. It will always be different for each. Though it is tough, because it requires a change. A change that takes place on the inside. Remember that forgiveness is not just one sided it takes an effort of two people. God promised to do His, will we do ours?

Thank God that He has the power to work out those impurities, and has the ability to bring us back to how we are made to be.