I recently just started reading this book called, "The deity formerly known as God"by Jarrett Stevens. It talks about different views people have of God. How even different things that we experience in life, shape how we view Him.
The first chapter talks about seeing Him as cop who sits around the corner, waiting for us to break the rules. Gives the illustration of how when you are driving along on the highway and you see a cop, how nervous you feel. You could be doing nothing remotely wrong...but because you see him with a radar gun...fear sets in.
You see God as nothing more than a rule ridden, law enforcer. His job is for nothing more than making sure that we obey his commandments.
He longs to be so much more than that...to all of us.
We already have enough against us. Enough to put us away for good.
"Though He offers us grace, offers us forgiveness, stands between us and the full weight and consequences of our destructive habits and choices." ---{Jarrett Stevens author}
"We don't have to freak out and make excuses or make a case for why we're normally really good people. He already knows who we are. He has a rap sheet on us that could codemn us for life, he has every right to do so...but He offers another way. A way for us to come him instead of waiting and wondering when he will lower his final sentencing. It is the way of grace. A way that could take a lifetime to explain but only a moment to receive." ---{Jarrett Stevens author}
"There is no room in love for fear, well formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life --- fear of death, fear of judgment ---is one not yet fully formed in love."
--{1 John 4:18 MSG}
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