Sunday, March 4, 2007


This sunday afternoon we went to one of the greatest places...Sam's!!!

They have everything there. Everything you could ever want and nothing that you need. When you get there you feel like you want it all though, I mean where else can you get 50 rolls of 2-ply for $3.97!? Don't forget about the free samples!!!

Do we need it?...No but it's there and it looks so good, that we want it, or we think we do...

It's just with in reach.

I could spend all day in there. And spend all my money in there as well. So many ailses, like a never ending labrynth.

Which makes me think...

Here in America. We have everything we could ever want. Think about it. Everything is at our finger tips. We have become a culture that wants more and more. We never really seem to be satisfied.

I also mean that about me. I have a bad habit with music. I like to buy cds. I can never seem to get enough of them. When a new music cd comes out, I can't wait to buy it.

Such much stuff...too much stuff...

Thank goodness that God is everything we need, and He does not always give us what we want (for at times it wouldn't benefit us and bring glory to Him).

We may not always get what we want, But thanks be to God we have everything we need.

In Him, we have joy, we have peace, we have strength, we have favor, we have the power of the living God inside of us.

Why not give to those who do not have everything they need? Sacrifice what you want.

Check out mars hill bible church and see about the opportunity to help those in Africa.

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