I have these days, where things just flood my mind. First I find myself worrying about the day. I find myself worrying even about tomorrow and days later down the road.
I worry about my job. Hoping that I perform well. I even go over thinking about my family. I think about my wife and my daughter...can I be the spiritual leader that they need ?
And on and on. The list just seems to grow. And the next thing I know is that I am drowning in the sea. That is when I found that the only thing I can do is say, "God I give this moment to you. Before anything else I give this moment to you."
I thank Him for all He has done. How He has provided for me and my family. How He has taken care of us. Nothing has come to me, that did not first go through Him. He is in control. And so I give this moment over to the one, who it really belongs to in the first place.
And I have found that I have to do this many times throughout the day. For so many times I want to take back those moments and focus on myself and the world. And start to focus on gas prices, the stock market, the housing market, and America in general.
But I have to give it back to Him. Place it in His hands, and believe that He will take care of me. Take that focus that I directed toward the world, and turn it toward God. Just worship Him! Crawl in His lap.
I read somewhere that if we take those things that we give our fear to, those things we focus our attention onto, and instead fear the Lord...then we would have a hard time worrying about those things anymore. For we would in turn be standing in awe of God, and we wouldn't have time to worry about anything else. For anything else compared to God would seem so trivial. (Don't know if that made sense or not.)
God I give this moment to you. May it be used to bring glory to your name and not my own! Help me to not to worry about tomorrow, for you say it has enough problems of its own. I am worth more than a small sparrow and more vaulable than the lillies to you. You are my provider, not my job.
The gas prices may rise and fall. Seasons change. House market may get better it may not. I could lose my job, but I'll be okay. For no matter what, "Lord, your love endures forever!"
Take this moment and use it to further your kingdom!
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