Saturday, January 26, 2008
at it again...
They say that the actor used his platform as a megaphone, to say that homosexuality is okay.
So what are they using their platform for? What are they screaming out of their megaphone?
This paints Christians in a bad light. No wonder some Americans want nothing to do with Christianity.
When I heard this I got angry. I know I had talked about this church in an earlier post ( called: "left a bad taste"), but I just couldn't sit quiet.
I know we are called to be people of action, but this seems to be to the extreme. What would make a bigger impact...saying you are wrong, or showing them the love of God.
For example, if a Homosexual had their house burned down. How would we win him to Christ? Do we say to him " You had that coming! You know that God hates gays!" Or do we help that person, get him cleaned up, give him a roof over his head, take him to the store and buy them some food and clothes? I think that would speak more.
There is an old saying, "Preach the good news to everyone and if necessary use words."
In other words let our lives, show people the love of God. "Let them see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven." That would show them that there is something different about us. We would become a direct mirror of our Father in Heaven. We can either paint their view of Him in a negative or positive light.
This church has also posted that "Heath Ledger is in hell receiving his eternal reward."
This is disgusting to me. How dare they judge someones soul. No one but God knows where he is. The only way he is in hell is if he died without Christ and that is a TRAGEDY. It is not something to cheer about as though justice has been served.
What are we doing to show the world the love of Christ?
Are we furthering God's kingdom or our own?
Who are we glorifying...ourselves or God?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
only a breath
4) "O Lord, let me know my end and how many days I have to live. Let me know that I do not have long to stay here.
5) You have made each of my days as long as a hand is wide. My whole life is nothing in Your eyes. Every man at his best is only a breath.
Now more than ever I keep hearing how much we need to make the most of this moment. It seems like everything I come across and even the message at my church, keeps engraving this into my brain.
We are given this moment. We are not promised tomorrow, not really even 5 minutes from now. What am I doing with this time? With this life?
As of now, everyone probaly knows about the passing of actor Heath Ledger. I got to admit that shocked me. I was talking to my sister in law and she told me she saw it on the internet news. Then I turned on the t.v. to the news, and they confirmed the same thing. Dead at age 28. He has a 2 year old little girl...
I look at my life. I am 25 years old and have a 3 month old daughter. Am I making the most of this moment? Am I letting those close to me, know that I love them? Am I spending as much time as I can with my wife and my new daughter?
None of us know the span of our life. As the bible puts it, we are just but a "breath".
I am breathing right now. In and out. Life is that short. May I make the most of it.
The series at our church is called "30 days to live". It really helps stress the point, what would we do if we knew that we only had 30 days left to live. Would it change the way we live? Would we love more? Live more? Give more?
I find myself thinking when I am not so busy, I will make go see my parents, to see my grandparents, to call an old friend, to do so many things. Though if we keep waiting we will miss those moments. We will always be busy, we are only promised now.
We were shown interviews of those that do not have that much time left, according to doctor's reports. I remember one of them said, " I would look at what I consider mundane in a new light. I would enjoy those moments."
If you have a chance, go over to and watch the messages on "30 days to live". They have really made an impact in my life and I hope they do the same for yours.
What would we do if we only had 30 days left to live?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Shaela's blog updated!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Shaela's pic blog, has been updated. Just go to and enjoy. When you have finished looking at one page, just go to the bottom of the page and just click "older posts" to view more. There should be a good bit of new ones.
God Bless,
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What this world needs
- People aren't confused by the Gospel, they are confused by us.
- Jesus is the only way to God, but we are not the only way to Jesus.
- This world does not need my tie, my hoodie (or t-shirt), my denomination, or translation of the Bible...they just need Jesus.
- We can be passionate about what we believe, but we can't strap ourselves to the Gospel...cause we are slowing it down.
- Jesus is going to save the world, but maybe the best thing we can do, is get out of the way.
I started thinking about those statements...It is true in my life. I take the gospel and add my agenda to it. Instead of working to further the kingdom of Christ, I am trying to advance my own kingdom and establish my name, instead of bringing glory to His name. I have my own agenda in mind. I think having all this christian things means I am doing something right for the cause of Christ...but in reality when I am not desiring God, not doing it for His glory...I am only hurting the gospel. Will they know us by the t-shirts that we wear? By the way we picket with signs and then point and stare?
The harsh truth I have to realize, is that God does not need me. He chooses to use me and works through me. All I can do is sow the seed, the Holy Spirit does the work. He is God...He can use whoever He wants, and do whatever He wants. Who can tell Him otherwise? i am just humble and thankful that He would choose to use a frail and sinful creature like me to carry out His perfect will.
I have started this bible study recently on Galatians. It talks about how we were given this free gift of grace, with no strings attached. The gospel was made simple. Though Paul saw that others were adding their own spins on the glorious gospel. Making grace and salvation legalistic, meaning something that you had to work to earn. But no ammount of works could pay the debt we owe. Thank God for offering us Grace!!! He saw our past failures and dissapointments, and still showed favor to us by offering Grace.
Grace the free gift of a ever loving God.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Random thing #1 that I learned the bible
2 Kings 2:23-25
23) He went up from Jericho to Bethel. On the way, young [maturing and accountable] boys came out of the city and mocked him and said to him, Go up [in a whirlwind], you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!
24) And he turned around and looked at them and called a curse down on them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and ripped up forty-two of the boys.
25) Elisha went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.
What would it have been like to be watching this? Think if you were watching this, and you see young guys making fun of someone for being bald. You might think "Kids will be kids" or "Kids can be so mean".
One might be watching and see that the jeering and name calling is taking a turn for the worse. They think, maybe they should go down there and defend this man from these kids. At least someone should right?...The verse leads one to believe that there was a great number of them, 42 to be exact.
That is where God shows up and shows off. He proves that if no one else will, He will defend His people...His chosen. He sends two bears!!! Two bears to come out of the woods and tear these young guys limb from limb.
Now if you were still looking on, you might think :
1) Don't get on this guy's bad side
2) See if he wouldn't mind a new friend
3) Never will I pick on a bald person
4)God will protect and defend those that are His.
It is kind of weird to think about though. There are these different accounts of Elijah and Elisha, two of God's top prophets. All the miraculous miracles and signs that they did in the name of the Lord, and then 3 verses, talking about this event of retribution. I think it is here to teach us and remind us.
1) Again...Don't pick on the bald
2) God is my protector.
3) God is my defender.
4) God will take care of me always.
5) God is concerned with the big and small things of life. My life matters to God.
6) It doesn't matter whether it be 1 against me, 42, a million, or (in david's case) a giant. If God be before me...who dare be against me?
Sometimes the smallest verses and smallest stories remind us of great truths that we have forgotten along the way. God will go to great lenghts to protects those that are His children. Even it means calling 2 bears out...